2023 AHRI State Summit
Renaissance Albany Hotel, Albany, NY | April 25-26
Let Your Voice be Heard!
The two-day AHRI State Summit, on April 25 and 26, presents an opportunity for our members to communicate directly with key New York policymakers about the positive impact of our industry on jobs and the economy, energy efficiency innovation, health and safety, the environment, and the climate. As New York legislators continue to develop and advance their energy and environmental policies, they need to hear directly from AHRI members about the impact of their policy decisions on the HVACR and water heating industry and how existing and emerging technologies can help New York achieve its ambitious climate goals.
In addition to meetings with New York legislators and regulators, the Summit will include presentations from key regulatory agencies, legislative offices, business organizations, and environmental NGOs; conversations with policymakers on high priority issues; updates on AHRI’s state legislative and regulatory activities; and opportunities to network with colleagues and conference participants. See additional meeting details and registration information below. Please plan to contribute your company’s voice to our state advocacy efforts by attending the 2023 State Summit!
Event Detail
2023 AHRI State Summit
April 25-26, 2023
Renaissance Albany Hotel, Albany, NY
Register Today