Agenda at-a-Glance
An overview of the 3-day 2024 AHRI Leadership Forum agenda.
About the Forum
The AHRI Leadership Forum is carefully crafted to offer critical, strategic industry and association information in an interactive, dynamic setting. The sessions at this meeting will offer insight and solutions on various topics pertinent to all AHRI member companies. It will feature dynamic speakers, stronger peer engagement opportunities, and leadership presentations to help AHRI member companies advance their goals and get the most from their AHRI membership.
Sunday, November 17
Whether you are very active, somewhat active, or hardly active at all in AHRI, you likely would benefit from a primer on all that your trade association does or can do – for your company and our industry. Come grab a cocktail and learn the structure of AHRI, meet some of the key staff, and get a feel for the broad capabilities and global reach of one of the largest trade associations in the nation.
The Leadership Forum’s opening session will feature a video report of recent association activities and future plans from all of AHRI’s major focus areas. AHRI’s legal, legislative, regulatory, and international staff will also provide updates on developments affecting our industry at the state, federal, and international levels. Please plan to join us for this informative and fun traditional Leadership Forum kickoff.
Get ready to step back in time and enter La Casa, the former private residence of Hollywood icon Greta Garbo, for a night at the “Casino Royale!” Our Welcome Reception and Dinner will kick off the Leadership Forum in style! Don’t miss the opportunity to play poker or roulette, sip on a smoked cocktail, and enjoy a cigar while networking with your colleagues and friends. The reception will be hosted in the large grassy area behind the resort’s lobby. Dress is casual. Please avoid shoes with heels, as they might sink into the sod.
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Monday, November 18
Join AHRI Chairman Gary Bedard for the Annual Chairman’s Breakfast, during which he will report on the state of the association and present AHRI Industry Awards. Following the awards, Gary will welcome Keynote Speaker Chris Stirewalt, author, political editor, podcast host, and former Digital Politics Editor for the Fox News Channel. Chris will deliver his candid and straightforward analysis of the recent presidential and Congressional elections and what they portend for the political landscape in the coming few years!
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Party control of Congress and the White House have an outsized impact on our industry’s legislative and regulatory priorities. Join us for a dialogue with a panel of veteran political consultants who will dissect the results of the just-completed elections and how they are likely to affect member companies and our industry.
Moderated by AHRI Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Samantha Slater, the panel will feature:
- Missy Edwards, President, Missy Edwards Strategies, LLC
- Ed Krenik, Senior Principal, Bracewell
- Adam Olsen, Founder, Sconset Strategies
Following the panel discussion, there will be the opportunity for attendees to submit relevant questions for the panelists.
Product groups rely heavily on member input to advance industry needs. Product engineers are highly encouraged to participate in the following meetings, which are open for all to attend:
- Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps Product Group
- Unitary Small Equipment Product Group
- Compressors and Commercial Refrigerated Display Merchandisers Product Group
- Heat Transfer Product Group
- Boilers Product Group
- Geothermal and Water Source Heat Pumps Product Group
Click here for a detailed list of the product groups scheduled to meet, along with the AHRI staff point of contact.
AHRI has planned several events for your consideration, from golf to brewery tours, sightseeing, and more! Register to participate in any of the events here.
Join friends, colleagues, and AHRI staff at the “Mod Splash Soiree” Reception and Dinner! Immerse yourself in the quintessential Palm Springs mid-20th century vibe as we continue to network during the Leadership Forum! The reception will be hosted in the large grassy area behind the resort’s lobby. Dress is casual. Please avoid shoes with heels, as they might sink into the sod.
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Tuesday, November 19
Product groups rely heavily on member input to advance industry needs. Product engineers are highly encouraged to participate in the following meetings, which are open for all to attend:
- Variable Refrigerant Flow Product Group
- Water Heaters Product Group
- Refrigerants Product Group
Click here for a detailed list of the product groups scheduled to meet, along with the AHRI staff point of contact.
We live in a time of rapid generational change, challenge, and opportunity. Leaders live this daily, from recruiting and retaining different generations of employees to inspiring trust, engagement, and effective communication, all while juggling different generational work expectations and the rapid emergence of new technology. In this inspiring, research-driven session, Jason Dorsey, acclaimed generational researcher and President of The Center for Generational Kinetics, will separate myth from truth about generations and what most unlocks their best performance.
Join incoming chairman Megan Fellinger (Morrison Products, Inc.) for the Incoming Chairman’s Luncheon and Sports Awards, during which Megan will outline plans for her tenure as AHRI Chairman. Following her address, the Golf and Tennis Tournaments and Rees Scholarship 5k winners will be announced. After the awards, Megan will welcome Keynote Speaker General Paul Nakasone (USA, Ret.), Former Commander of the U.S. Cyber Command and former National Security Agency Director, who will explore the intersection of geopolitics, tech advancement, and national security, as well as hard-won lessons from his own experiences as a transformational leader.
Product Groups rely heavily on member input to advance industry needs. Product engineers are highly encouraged to participate in the following meetings of interest, open for all to attend:
- Unitary Large Equipment Product Group
- Air-to-Water Heat Pumps Product Group
- Chillers Product Group
- Energy Recovery Ventilators Product Group
Click here for a detailed list of the product groups scheduled to meet, along with the AHRI staff point of contact.