The Vermont State Legislature passed S 30 and the bill was signed into law by the Governor on June 17, 2019, implementing the requirements of SNAP Rules 20 and 21. The bill does not include labeling and disclosure requirements. The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources is also taking steps to prepare for the development of rules pursuant to Act 65 (2019): An act relating to the regulation of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Act 65 requires ANR to adopt rules to establish a schedule for the phasedown of the use of HFCs in Vermont.
- Regulating Body: Agency of Natural Resources
- Stated Goal: 40% reduction vs. 2013 by 2030
- Legislation: S. 30
- Rulemaking: None
- Regulation: HFC Rulemaking pursuant to Act 65 (2019)
- Click here to view the draft rule (May 2020) and its Technical Support Document and its Technical Support Document
- Timeline:
- File Proposed Rule with Vermont Secretary of State: November 5, 2020
- Prohibitions based on manufacture date