Certified Products
AHRI Directory of Certified Product Performance
Across the globe, regulators increasingly depend on AHRI for accurate and unbiased evaluation of heating, air conditioning, water heating, and commercial refrigeration equipment. The association’s certification programs demonstrate to government, building owners, and homeowners that equipment performance claims have been independently measured and verified, instilling consumer confidence and enabling fair product comparisons.
To be certified, manufacturers’ products undergo testing by independent laboratories under contract to AHRI. Equipment and components are evaluated using the appropriate industry standard to certify that manufacturers’ published performance ratings are accurate. Only upon performance verification can manufacturers apply one of AHRI’s certification marks to the certified product to serve as visual statements of conformance.
AHRI Certified Mark

In addition to earning the right to bear a certification mark, certified equipment is listed in the AHRI Directory of Certified Product Performance, the trusted source for performance certified equipment. This online, real-time database allows you to search by product lines, certified ratings, or manufacturer, to get the information you need, when you need it.